Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby! Your little miracle deserves miraculous care. From your baby’s first breath to their first step, the pediatricians at the Pediatric Center for Wellness are here to ensure your little one has everything they need to succeed in growth and development.


If you have chosen to birth at home or a birthing facility, here are some things you need to know: 

  • All newborns born outside of the hospital must be seen within 24-48 hours of birth.
  • Prior to delivery, complete and sign a medical record release form  to obtain ALL information related to the pregnancy and delivery, including but not limited to: labs, pregnancy complications, medications,
    abnormal ultrasound results.
  • If your baby was born at a birthing center, you must obtain your CCHD Survey.
  • Request the prescription for vitamin K, prior to the first visit, to be taken to the pharmacy to bring to the first visit.


Why Should I Breastfeed?

  • Your first milk is called Colostrum and it is considered “liquid gold” due to its rich properties and important health benefits for your baby. It is the perfect food for your infant to receive so feeding early and often after birth is significant.
    Breast Feeding helps to restore your uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size
  • Making milk is a process and it takes a few days for mature milk to be plentiful. It is very important to feed or pump often, 8-12 times per day!
  • Health benefits for you and baby are plentiful including protection for your infant’s gut, decreased risk of asthma and obesity, quicker weight loss for mom and decreased risk of breast cancer.
  • Your baby receives antibiotics through the breastmilk to help them fight infection
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